ceo, kathy carmody
Kathy has led The Institute since 2015 and has more than 35 years of experience spanning research, demonstration, training, policy, direct services, and executive leadership roles.
For 23 years Carmody worked as the Chief of Staff for Ray Graham Association, a community agency providing direct services to 2,000 people with disabilities and their families.
In 1988, Kathy led the first pilot project in Illinois to develop community-based support services for people with severe disabilities. Her project became the model for state-funded community-based support services (CILA) and was awarded the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Long Term Care in 1990.
Kathy regularly presents at the state and national levels, providing deep insights on topics that impact the I/DD service system, such as quality metrics, alternate payer models, preparing for success in a changing landscape, national trends in services and person-centered planning and practices.
Kathy holds a Master’s in Social Service Administration from the University of Chicago.
Kathy holds leadership roles across an array of committees working to advance the needs of the Illinois community services landscape.