The Institute Executive Summit 2024 | October 16-17. 2024 Naperville, IL.

The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities enables human service organizations to improve the lives of adults living with intellectual & developmental disabilities and strengthen their networks of support.

Since its inception in 1999, The Institute has operated under the belief that every individual living with I/DD has limitless potential. As Illinois’ only member organization focused exclusively on the needs of adults with I/DD, we deliver best-in-class education, resources, and support to direct service providers that enrich the lives of more than 22,000 adults.

Every member organization faces unique challenges, and all benefit by learning from one another. Through collaboration and collective action, we build stronger communities for adults with I/DD.

We know we can't improve lives through legislation and policy alone. We bring experts and individualized resources together to give members the timely, practical insights they need to plan for the future.

Our long-held relationships within IDHS and other agencies enable us to help members address the most complex issues of the day. We are stronger and more effective when we work together to support the I/DD community.
We’re focused on the most pressing issues our members face today.
- Medicaid Funding
- Medicaid Waiver Funding
- Staffing Trends
- Emerging Funding Models
- Value-Based Reimbursement
- National Community Service System History
- Illinois Community Service System History
- Rights and Protection Issues
- Employment Models
- Person-Centered Planning
- ICAP Administration
- Community-Based Service Design
- Support Systems Design
- Service Delivery Trends
- Data Design
- Data Analysis